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Tourism in Humanist Perspective

Tourism in humanist perspectivePoznan, Poland24-25.10.2008Cultural tourism in the light of Polish humanist theory of tourismIntroductory reflectionIndicated in the title humanist theory of tourism has been yet developer, has been created by the environment of theoreticians of this field operating in Poland, by, among others, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, pedagogues and historians. It is a process which has been occurring for the last few years including research work of scientists, their scientific meetings and publishing the effects of their scientific investigations (Obodynski, Cynarski, 2005a, 2005b; Krawczyk, Lewandowska- Tarasiuk, Sienkiewicz, 2007; Cynarski, Obodynski, 2008; Winiarski, 2008). This purpose has been served well especially by consecutive symposiums and conferences (Cynarski, Obodynski, 2004; Cynarski, 2006) devoted strictly to this deepened humanist and socio-cultural scientific reflection.An expression of a certain phenomenon of popularity of cultural tourism in Poland (as a field of science) has been independent publication of 6 books with 'cultural tourism' in the title this year in our country. Those are Turystyka kulturowa. Przewodnik metodyczny (Cultural tourism. A methodological guidebook) by Karolina Buczkowska (2008), Spotkania, konflikty, dialogi. Analiza wybranych obszarow kultury fizycznej i turystyki kulturowej (Meetings, conflicts, dialogues. Analysis of selected areas of physical culture and cultural tourism) by Wojciech J. Cynarski (2008), Turystyka kulturowa (Cultural tourism) by Tadeusz Jedrysiak (2008), Turystyka kulturowa. Fenomen, potencja1, perspektywy (Cultural tourism. Phenomenon, potential, perspectives) by Armin Mikos von Rohrscheidt (2008), Turystyka kulturowa. Spojrzenie geograficzne (Cultural tourism. A geographical outlook) edited by Andrzej Kowalczyk (2008), or finally the book prepared for the next conference entitled W kregu humanistycznej refleksji nad turystyk1 kulturow1 (In the circle of humanist reflection on cultural tourism) edited by Marek Kazimierczak (2008). Dr. Buczkowska wrote a valuable academic handbook which includes the necessary minimum of knowledge about cultural tourism - its definitions, history and present-day signs. Professor Cynarski Showed the areas of dialogue of cultural tourism and sportive culture, material heritage (architecture) and mass culture in his monograph (Obodynski, 2008). The book by Jedrysiak includes quite a lot of interesting contents about the factors of development of cultural tourism, cultural heritage, the forms of cultural tourism, perspectives of development, economic aspects, chances and threats of its development. Dr. A. Mikos von Rohrscheidt presented basic terms, the division - types of cultural tourism, the potential and offer of cultural tourism in Poland as well as a proposal of a tool for evaluation of a given area with respect to tourist-cultural values. The book by A. Kowalczyk is a collection of works devoted to theoretical aspects and empirical premises and examples. Finally the collective monograph by Kazimierczak includes the total of 43 texts. On 434 pages the team of authors present numerous issues and problems analyzed on various levels of abstraction and with the use of various methodological premises. Moreover, Scientific Year's Issue "Ido - Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture" published in Poland has a separate section entitled "Cultural tourism" and Volume 8 issued in 2008 included interesting pieces of work by Professor Wil Munsters and Dr. Anna Dluzewska.Interesting contents can be found in the new academic handbook Turystyka w naukach humanistycznych (Tourism in humanist sciences) (Winiarski, 2008). It includes works by 10 authors whose names are significant in the environment. This collection has chapters devoted to, respectively, philosophy of tourism, history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, theology, semiotics and methodology of studies in tourism. …
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