Art. V. The History of the Abolition of the Slave Trade. By T. Clarkson, M. A. 2 vol. 8vo. pp. 1060. London. 1808.

This chapter is the history of one great calamity, — one long continuous crime, involving every possible definition of evil: for it combined the wildest physical suffering with the most atrocious moral depravity. To those who have not considered the nature of the shave trade in its detail, or examined the evidences which were acted upon by the late Legislature of Great Britain, our expressions may appear forced and extravagant. Quakers, who were the first, and ever remained among the most active members of a committee for the abolition of the slave trade. In the year 1727, and still more strongly in the year 1758, the Quakers, at their yearly meeting, and in their collective character, fervently warned all their members to avoid being any way concerned in this unrighteous commerce.
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