Some Problems About The Neutrino Oscillation And New Explanation For The Neutrino Observations

We review the neutrino oscillation and find some problems about it. The original theory predicts the mass differences existing on three kinds of neutrino. However, one neutrino transfers to another and then transfers back to itself again that causes the mass non-conservation if no external energy or mass participates in the transferring process. It also violates one of the conservations of energy and momentum. Furthermore, the speeds of neutrinos before and after transfer must be different that results in self-acceleration and deceleration. Even the Lorentz violation is proposed in the standard model extension, the all other originally elementary particles predicting by the standard model will lose their criteria. After reviewing the results of Super-Kamiokande Collaboration and Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, both results strongly imply the ratio of number between three kinds of neutrinos is νe:νμ:ντ=1:1:1. According to this, we propose a new explanation for the observation data.
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