21 debated : issues in American politics

I. DEMOCRACY AND THE CONSTITUTION. Issue 1: The Constitution. The Senate and the Constitution, Senator Robert Byrd. Stop the Celebration: The Case against the Fourth of July, Sebastian Mallaby, New Republic. Issue 2: Problems for Democracy. Authorizing Military Tribunals, Representatives Kucinich and Lofgren. Ignoring the Constitution, Representative Frank. II. RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES. Issue 3: Abortion. Preachers of Hate, The Progressive. Dead Reckoning, National Review. Issue 4: Gun Control. Don't Withhold Treatment on This Epidemic, Kevin Clarke, US Catholic. Extending Brady Background Checks Opposed, Thomas Cole, JAMA. Issue 5: Civil Rights. Opinion: Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, Justice Rehnquist. Dissents: Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, Stevens & Souter. Issue 6: Sexual Harassment. Opinion: Burlington Industries v. Ellerth, Anthony Kennedy. Dissent: Burlington Industries v. Ellerth, Clarence Thomas. III. THE POLITICAL PROCESS. Issue 7: Ideology. Conservatism FAQs, Jim Kalb, Why I Am a Liberal, John F. Kennedy. Issue 8: Political Parties. Opinion: California Democratic Party v. Jones, Justice Scalia. Dissent: California Democratic Party v. Jones, Justice Stevens. Issue 9: Campaigns and Elections. A Constitutional Amendment for Direct Election, Reps. Delahunt and Durbin. Reaffirming the Electoral College, Resolution No. 651. Issue 10: News Media. Goldberg Exposes a Vindictive, Biased Media, Brent Bozell. On the Bias, Geoffrey Nunberg. IV. GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS. Issue 11: Congress. Reforming the House: Three Moderately Radical Proposals, Arend Lijphart, PS. If It Ain't Broke Bad, Don't Fix It a Lot, C. Lawrence Evans and Walter J. Oleszek, PS. Issue 12: The Presidency. The Need to De-Mystify the Presidency, Fred Branfman. On His High Horse, The Economist. Issue 13: The Judiciary. The Federalist Society: Setting the Record Straight, Senator Hatch. The Court's Assault on Legislative Power, Senator Leahy. V. ISSUES IN PUBLIC POLICY. Issue 14: Economic Policy: Flat Tax? After Years of Abuse, Americans Deserve a Flat Tax Break Today, Representative Richard K. Armey. Simple, Efficient, Fair, Or Is It?, William G. Gale, Brookings Review. Issue 15: Economic Policy. The Republican Economic Plan, Republic National Committee. The Democratic Economic Plan, Democratic Nation Committee. Issue 16: Environmental Policy. White House Statement on the Environment. The Bush Environmental Record, Corzine Brown Hastings. Issue 17: Social Policy: Welfare. Surprise! Welfare Reform Is Working, William H. Miller, Industry Week. Welfare Profiteers, Ruth Conniff, Progressive. Issue 18: Social Policy: Bilingual Education. The Case Against Bilingual Education, Rosalie Pedalino Porter, Atlantic Monthly. Let's Not Say Adios to Bilingual Education, Lourdes Rovira, US Catholic. Issue 19: Education Policy. Benefits to Education of the New Jersey Lottery, New Jersey Lottery Commission. The Harmful Effects of Gambling, Representative Wolf. Issue 20: Health Policy. The Economic Benefits of the Tobacco Industry, Representative Davis. The Harmful Effects of Smoking, Representative Udall. Issue 21: Foreign Policy. Joint Resolution for a Preemptive Strike, Sens. Specter & Harken. Joint Resolution Against Preemptive Action, Rep. Lee.
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