Toimivat mielenterveys- ja päihdepalvelut

The objective of the MindsTogether project has been to provide decision makers with evidencebased information about effective models for mental health and addiction services. The project consisted of a literature review, expert interviews, general public survey, and focus group work with experts by experience. A draft of the effective mental health and substance abuse service models was openly available for comments on the Ota kantaa public participation portal. Emphasising service models that are evidence-based or established good practices is highlighted as a key perspective in the report. The opportunities to reform mental health and substance abuse services that new operating models, which are person-centred and support inclusion and peer experience, have created also emerges as a main finding. Existing evidence supports integration of basic mental health and substance use services with primary care. A multi-stakeholder approach, which includes complementary services provided by the third sector, is recommended. According to the analysis, investing in mental health services and mental health promotion enables a significant reduction of indirect costs, like production costs, caused by mental health problems.
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