Internet of Things Perception Technology Based on the Physical ID in the Operation and Inspection Management of Smart Grids

With the concept of the smart grid being put forward, many new technologies integrating with the smart grid have been put forward constantly, among which the typical example is the advent of the Internet of Things technology for the smart grid. The integration of the smart grid and the Internet of Things, as a new industrial technology with the high strategic significance, has been highly valued by all countries in the world. China also attaches great importance to it. The Internet of Things and the smart grid are listed as the national strategies, and many major scientific and technological projects and demonstration projects are fully deployed. The application of the Internet of Things (IOT) technology in the smart grid is the inevitable outcome of the development of the network technology to a certain extent. The application of the IOT technology can effectively integrate the infrastructure resources of the power system, thereby improving the communication level of the power system and the utilization rate of the current power system infrastructure.
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