Akut ve Geçici Psikotik Bozukluk Ýzleminde Taný Stabilitesi: Bir Ön Çalýþma Diagnostic Stability in the Follow-up of Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder: A Preliminary Study

SUMMARY Introduction: Acute and transient psychotic disorder dif- ferentiates from other psychotic disorders with acute onset, occurrence after stressful life events and ending with full remission. It is suggested to have good prog- nosis and response to treatment. In some of the patients, the diagnosis is switched to schizophrenia or mood disorders in the follow-up. This study aimed to determine sociodemographic and clinical features of patients diagnosed with acute and transient psychotic disorder, as well as changes in the diagnosis in a 5 year the follow-up. Method: The sample was constituted by patients who diagnosed with acute and transient psychotic disorder during their hospitalization in 2010. Medical records of these patients were examined restrospectively in 2015, including past 5 years. Results: In a total number of 47 patients, 17 were female and 30 were male. Mean age was 32.2±9.9 years. The majority were single (51.1%) unempoyed (85.1%) and living with their families (87.2%). The rate of patients who have been rehospitalized was 51.1%, and 8.5% of patients have not applied again. Most common diag- noses in the follow-up were atypical psychosis (38.3%), schizophrenia (25.5%) and bipolar affective disorder (12.8%). In 2 patients the diagnosis was psychotic disor- der due to alcohol/substance abuse and 3 patients had a neurological disease. Conclusion: This study revealed that the diagnosis of acute and transient psychotic disorder, have been changed to atypical psychosis or schizophrenia in the fol- low-up in the majority of patients. Therefore, the cases who diagnosed with acute and transient psychotic dis- order, especially if they carry risk factors, should be eva luated in detail in terms of prodromal period of schizo- phrenia. Furthermore, a close follow-up would be bene- ficial. OZET Giriþ: Akut ve gecici psikotik bozukluk diðer psikotik bozukluklardan akut baþlangýcý, stresli yaþam olaylarýný izlemesi ve kýsa surede tam duzelmenin gorulmesiyle ayrýlmaktadýr. T edaviye yanýtýn ve gidiþin iyi olduðu ileri surulmektedir. Hastalarýn bir kýsmýnda daha sonra taný, þizofreni ya da duygudurum bozukluklarý olarak deðiþmektedir. Calýþmamýzda akut ve gecici psikotik bozukluk tanýsý konan hastalarýn 5 yýllýk izleminde ortaya cýkan taný deðiþikliklerini, sosyodemografik ve klinik ozel- liklerini araþtýrmak amaclanmýþtýr. Yontem: Orneklemimiz 2010 yýlýnda yatarak tedavi goren ve akut ve gecici psikotik bozukluk tanýsý alan hastalar- dan oluþturulmuþtur. 2015 yýlýnda bu hastalarýn týbbi kayýtlarý geriye donuk olarak 5 yýlý kapsayacak þekilde incelenmiþtir.
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