Datasets related to a study aimed to identify genetic markers of CDA by subphenotypes associated with cardiotoxicity

Who produced the data? The data has been created by the authors listed above. Is the title specific enough? "Datasets related to a study aimed to identify genetic markers of CDA by subphenotypes associated with cardiotoxicity." Why has the data been created? These datasets are supplementary material with which the principal and supplementary figures and tables of our indicated work were generated. What limitations do the data have (for example, sensitive data has been deleted)? All confidential patient information is not present. We have not had access to that information, following current legal regulations. How should the data be interpreted? These data sets should not be separated from the main article in which they were utilized. Thus, to better understand their context, researchers should see them in the global scenario of our work. Are there gaps in the data, or do they give a complete picture of the topic studied? As indicated above, data should be considered and interpreted in the global context of our study. What processes have generated the data? The processes that generated the data are indicated in the summary of the data above and individually for each of them. Thus, each dataset is accompanied by a legend within the document. What does the data measure in the columns of the files? As indicated, each dataset individually shows the information contained in the legend of each dataset. What software is required to be able to read the data? The datasets are in Excel format. How should the data be quoted? Researchers should cite the data in the context of the work they belong to once it is published and free of the embargo. Can the data be reused? What use licenses are assigned to you? In principle, yes. If additional clinical information is required, these data were previously published by some of us, and the references are included in our manuscript. These data are available from the principal investigators of the references listed in our work upon reasonable request. Are there more versions of the data? Where? I do not think so beyond our files and copies. Have the technical terms and acronyms referenced by the data been defined? A legend with the appropriate descriptions accompanies each dataset. Have the geographic and chronological parameters of the data been qualified? The authors of the work have generated the data. Elsewhere, we indicate the authors of the work, their contributions, and affiliations. Are keywords sufficiently data-specific? Are they based on any thesaurus? Keywords are based on our study. We include cardiotoxicity due to anthracyclines, missing heritability, subphenotype, pathophenotype, complex trait. What is the name of the research project in which the data are framed? The main research project in which the data is prepared is: Title: "Chemotherapy cardiotoxicity in the elderly: a translational and personnel approach." Ref.: PIE14/00066 Who has financed data production and management? Each of the authors of the study has its funding. The grants are included in the acknowledgments section of our manuscript.
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