System and method for adapting characteristics of television and / or electronic programming guide, such as advertising

System for customizing a electronic program guide having a display, comprising: means (2) to collect usage data concerning the use of the electronic programming guide, means for collecting user data, the user; means (3) to integrate the data collected for utilization and user in order to infer deusuario profile wherein the user profile comprises character elements based probabilidadesasociados user, elements each having a probability assigned to the user, expressing the data collected for utilization and user as a series of scores perfilesprobabilisticas defining each of these scores for the elements likely caracterdel user profile, said plurality of probabilistic scores profiles used to calculate user profile can; means (40) for storing the user profile in local memory of the electronic program guide; means (20) for receiving a first instruction packet data containing instructions for elfuncionamiento the electronic program guide and matching criteria; means (30) for executing the first instruction packet data in order to analyze the stored, depending on the matching criteria deusuario profile to identify entreelementos matches based on probabilities user profile nature, and the criterion of coincidenciatransmitido; means for automatically selecting a second instruction packet data in response matches wings identified; and means for executing the second instruction packet data selected at personalizarinformacion effects displayed on the electronic program guide, based on the identified matches.
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