Maturation of the normal pituitary-testicular axis, as assessed by gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist challenge.

Pilot studies in boys with abnormalities of puberty have suggested that both gonadotropin and sex steroid responses to GnRH agonist undergo characteristic maturational changes. However, it is not known how the pattern of hormonal secretory responses to GnRH agonist changes during normal puberty. Therefore, we have assessed the responses of normal boys at various stages of pubertal development to a single dose of the GnRH agonist nafarelin. Baseline LH, FSH, testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), and steroid intermediates, including 17-hydroxyprogesterone, increased during puberty. LH responses peaked at 3 h in prepubertal (P1; n = 8) and midpubertal (P2; n = 4) boys, at 12 h in late pubertal (P3; n = 8) boys, but earlier (0.5-1 h) in adults (P4; n = 10). LH levels remained high for 24 h in P3-P4. Indexes of both the readily releasable and reserve pools of pituitary LH increased significantly with advancing pubertal stage (P < 0.003). FSH responses differed among groups only at 24 h. Nafarelin stimulated T sign...
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