Effect of reduction of cholinergic input on the concentration of specific proteins in different cortical regions of the rat brain.

Abstract The effect of lesioning the nucleus of the tractus diagonalis on the concentration of specific proteins in the hippocampus and the occipital cortex was assessed. Rats received either a sham or an electrolytic lesion and were killed 9 or 35 days later. Tissue samples were removed by microdissection and proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Gels were stained with silver, and then analyzed by quantitative computerized scanning densitometry. Of the 143 proteins analyzed, only four were found to be altered in concentration in both brain areas as a result of the lesion. Protein 82 (molecular weight 39,000, pI 6.5) was reduced 71% in the hippocampus and 50% in the occipital cortex 9 days after the lesion, while protein 109 (molecular weight 32,000, pI 6.4) was elevated 140% in the hippocampus and 130% in the occipital cortex at the same time point. Protein 6 (molecular weight 58,000, pI 5.7) was unchanged 9 days after the lesion but was elevated in concentration in both the hippocampus and the occipital cortex 35 days after lesioning. Protein 74 (molecular weight 39,000, pI 5.8) was elevated in concentration both 9 and 35 days after lesioning in the occipital cortex, but only at day 35 in the hippocampus. These results demonstrate that the concentration of these four proteins may be regulated by the cholinergic input to the hippocampus and the occipital cortex. The possibility exists that one or more of these proteins may be related to either the muscarinic or nicotinic cholinergic receptor in rat brain.
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