Changes in cytokinins are sufficient to alter developmental patterns of defense metabolites in Nicotiana attenuata

Plant defense metabolites are well-known to be regulated developmentally. The OD theory posits that a tissue's fitness values and probability of attack should determine defense metabolite allocations. Young leaves are expected to provide a larger fitness-value to the plant and therefore their defense allocations should be higher when compared to older leaves. The mechanisms which coordinate development with defense remain unknown and frequently confound tests of the OD theory predictions. Here we demonstrate that cytokinins modulate ontogeny-dependent defenses in Nicotiana attenuata. We found that leaf cytokinin levels highly correlate with inducible defense expressions with high levels in young and low levels in older leaves. We genetically manipulated the developmental patterns of two different cytokinin classes by using senescence- and chemically-inducible expression of cytokinin biosynthesis genes. Genetically modifying the levels of different cytokinins in leaves was sufficient to alter ontogenic patterns of defense metabolites. We conclude that the developmental regulation of growth hormones that include cytokinins plays central roles in connecting development with defense and therefore in establishing optimal patterns of defense allocation in plants. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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