Condition assessment of two early Christian martyrs’, St. Christine's and St. Augustine's relics with paleoradiological methods in Hungary

Abstract Objectives Condition assessment of the relics of the Early Christian martyrs St. Christine and St. Augustine enshrined in the St. Gotthard Parish Church of Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary using radiological methods. The bodies are dressed up in ornate baroque style attires, the examination was conducted without opening the clothing. Our principle objective was to collect information on the general condition of the bodies, the internal characteristics of the skeletons and the attires with non-invasive methods. Methods Hundred and twenty-eight slice CT-scanner, conventional digital radiography. Results The preservation of the bones varies. The skeletons are incomplete, some elements were put together in non-anatomical position. Some kind of filling and reinforcement is proved in certain parts of the bodies. Conclusion The two bodies must have been assembled in the Baroque Era (17–18th c. AD). We got information on the condition and the attire of both bodies including skeletal preservation, the structure of the golden and silver embroidery and other decorations of the clothing. These radiographical images will provide crucial information in the course of the forthcoming conservation work conducted on the relics. Summary statement The scientific research of the holy relics are mainly connected Italian researchers and specialist from other countries, whom they cooperated with (Aufderheide, 2003; Fulchieri, 1996 [1] , [2] ). Perhaps the most well-known examination of the remains of St. Nicholas what Luigi Martino carried out in 1957 (Anatomical examination of the Bari relics, 2013 [3] ). In Central Europe, including Hungary, this was the first radiological examination and analysis of the entire relics (full human remains).
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