Efectos de la renta y los precios en la demanda de alimentos: un análisis para el caso español 1980-2015 [Efects of income and prices in food demand: an analysis for the Spanish case 1980-2015]

Throughout this work, a series of microeconomic models have been estimated for the Spanish case in order to make an explanatory analysis of the changes in the different groups of goods that make up the food category. After making the appropriate verifications, the Rotterdam model is selected as closer to the reality of the Spanish data. During the 1980s and 1990s, there was an expansion in spending on consumption of beverages -especially non-alcoholic- in Spain, which gradually weakened, leaving beverages as staples, losing participation in spending on an ongoing basis. The category of snuff has lost relative importance in spending on food, however, has become increasingly close to a luxury good as its price becomes more expensive with respect to the decrease in demand. The food category has been unequivocally maintained as a staple, although it has maintained its preponderance as a category of expenditure.
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