Изучение семеноводческих питомников сорта мягкой пшеницы Чернява 13 в ОПХ «Ишимское» Тюменской области

Results of field researches of seed-growing nurseries of a grade of summer soft wheat Chernyava-13, spent in 2008-2009 in SIE «Ishimskoye» the Tyumen area. For years of researches duration of the vegetative period on nurseries varied from 81 (Р-1, elite) till 82 days at Р-2 and superelite. On productivity the nursery of superelite of 3.93 t/hectares was allocated. Grain has been allocated by the largest in nursery R-2 (42 grammes). Average value of weight of 1000 grains has made on nurseries of 41 g the Greatest content of a protein In grain has been noted in superelite nursery 19.7 %. The divergence on nurseries on this indicator has made 2.9 %. As a whole authentic distinctions on investigated indicators in seed-growing nurseries Chernyava-13 it was not observed. The laboratory high-quality control of the received seeds spent in 2010 has shown, that genetic distinctions between nurseries are not present. By means of an electrophoresis method in polyacrilamid gel high-quality cleanliness of seeds has been defined. All seeds corresponded to state standard on original seeds.
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