Compositional modulated atomic layer stacking and uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy of CoPt alloy sputtered films with close-packed plane orientation

An atomic layer stacking structure in hexagonal close packed (hcp) Co100−xPtx alloy films with c-plane sheet texture was directly observed by a high-angle annular dark-field imaging scanning transmission electron microscopy. The analysis of sequential and/or compositional atomic layer stacking structure and uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy (Ku = Ku1 + Ku2) revealed that (1) integrated intensity of the superlattice diffraction takes the maximum at x = 20 at. % and shows broadening feature against x for the film fabricated under the substrate temperature (Tsub) of 400 °C. (2) Compositional separation structure in atomic layers is formed for the films fabricated under Tsub = 400 °C. A sequential alternative stacking of atomic layers with different compositions is hardly formed in the film with x = 50 at. %, whereas easily formed in the film with x = 20 at. %. This peculiar atomic layer stacking structure consists of in-plane-disordered Pt-rich and Pt-poor layers, which is completely different from the ...
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