Concerning Offshore Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide in the U.S.A.

Abstract The Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC) at the Bureau of Economic Geology is leading a team of scientists, engineers, and legal experts to support the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) in formulating best management practices for subseabed geologic storage (GS) of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The OCS is that portion of the U.S. continental shelf lying seaward of State territorial waters and within the U.S. exclusive economic zone. Here we discuss reasons for offshore GS of CO 2 , with focus on U.S., international policy and experience, existing U.S. policy and regulations, and considerations for managing risk, protecting the environment, and enhancing operation of CO 2 GS on the OCS. Disclaimer: The statements within this paper and associated poster do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the United States Federal Government including DOI, BOEM, and BSEE.
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