Resection arthroplasty with Swanson's implant for posttraumatic stiffness of proximal interphalangeal joints.

: Proximal interphalangeal joint resection arthroplasty with Swanson's implant should be considered as a simplified new hinge joint with a simplified shorter but isometric extensor system which will work if the flexor system is intact. The procedure is indicated in cases of severe, ill-tolerated, fixed joint contractures. Functional improvement with restoration of some range of motion can be expected. Patients should be aware that they will not regain a complete range of motion at the PIP joint, there will be limited involvement of the distal interphalangeal joint, and there may be some discomfort in cold weather. The procedure is not recommended for patients with a high risk of postoperative dystrophy, on workmen's compensation, or unable to understand the goals and limitations of a joint resection arthroplasty.
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