Outstanding organizer of post-graduate education of physicians, the representative of the Soviet therapeutic elite Roman Albertovich Luria

The work aimed to introduce new scientific data and use well-known data about the professor, doctor of medicine, a well-known therapist, director of the Kazan Clinical Institute (Kazan Institute for Advanced Medical Studies) in 1920–1930 Roman Albertovich Luria. The multifaceted activity of R.A. Luria as a health care organizer, teacher, scientist, practitioner, author of unique monographs on internal medicine is shown. In 1920–1941, R.A. Luria was a member of the Soviet scientific and medical elite of healthcare organizers and therapists. In the history of domestic medicine R.A. Luria is the organizer of the Soviet system of postgraduate education of doctors, a prominent ­scientist who made a significant contribution to the development of the national clinic of internal diseases in the first half of the twentieth century, and the pride of Kazan medicine, who remained in the memory of Kazan citizens as a doctor “capable of creating a miracle”.
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