Could severe mobility and park use restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic aggravate health inequalities? Insights and challenges from Latin America. (Thematic Section: COVID-19 - public health contributions.)

Measures' severity and extension need cautious weighting so they yield more benefits than the health risks they pose, particularly amongst vulnerable populations that already accumulate greater health risks Thoughtful strategies need to be built to allow vulnerable population to perform safe outdoors physical activity during the confinement and re-opening stages These need to be accompanied by a preparation of existing spaces such as parks, the provision of new additional spaces, and a strong communicational strategy to increase awareness and encourage responsible behaviors The aim of the article was to examine the role of parks in aggravating health inequalities in the time of COVID-19 Confinement measures have been in place for prolonged periods in our region and might be reimposed in the future in Latin America and other regions if spikes recur Understanding and quantifying their effects on health disparities is critical to better inform decision making and public policy development regarding restrictions that affect physical activity and psychological restoration This will also enhance preparedness for eventual future pandemics The lagging stage of the pandemic in Latin America provides an opportunity to adopt responsible re-opening models and learn from successful phased strategies implemented by other countries These require cautious adaptations according to the local cultural aspects and the physical and social environmental features of our countries Adopting timely measures to regulate safe park use and outdoor recreation in Latin American cities is critical and should be a public health priority
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