Applied Mathematics in Tunisia: International Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics (ICAAM), Hammamet, Tunisia, December 2013

Aiena: Polaroid Operators and Weyl Type Theorems.- Helffer: On Non Self-Adjoint Spectral Problems Occurring in Superconductivity.- Djebali: Fixed Point Theory for 1-Set Contractions: A Survey.- Najar: Spectral Results in Quantum Waveguides.- Gwinner: Multi-Field Modeling of Nonsmooth Problems of Continuum Mechanics, Differential Mixed Variational Inequalities and Their Stability.- Savas, Eren: Itheta-Statistical Convergence of Order alpha in Topological Groups.- Benbouziane, Boukli-Hacene: Periodic Solutions of Cohen-Grossberg Type Model of Neural Networks with Delay and Impulses.- Chaker, Ghribi, Jeribi, Krichen: Some Fixed Point Theorems for Orbitally-(p,q)-Quasi-Contraction Mappings.- Adjabi, Kessi: Third-Order Rational Ordinary Differential Equations with Integer Indices of Fuchs.- Boukli-Hacene, Ezzinbi: Existence of Weighted Pseudo Almost Periodic Solutions for some Partial Differential Equations with Delay.- Hadrich, Zribi, Masmoudi: Using B-Splines Functions and EM Algorithm for Hidden Markov Model-Based Unsupervised Image Segmentation.- Mallouli, Masmoudi, Masmoudi, Abid: Iris Localization using Mixture of Gamma Distributions in the Segmentation Process.- Louati, Masmoudi, Mselmi: Gamma Stopping and Drifted Stable Processes.- Abderrahmane: On the Born-Oppenheimer Asymptotic Expansions.- Arab, Zribi, Masmoudi: Finite Kibble's Bivariate Gamma Mixtures for Color Image Segmentation.- Damak, Hammami: Stabilization of a Class of Time-Varying Systems in Hilbert Spaces.- Louati: Weighted Sobolev Spaces for the Laplace Equation in an Exterior Domain.- Gherbi, Messirdi: About the Quotient of Two Bounded Operators.- Dbebria, Salem: Exact Controllability for the Korteweg-De Vries Equation and its Cost in the Zero-Dispersion Limit.- Aliouane, Azzam-Laouir: Existence of Solutions of a Class of Second-Order Sweeping Process in Banach Spaces.- Benouhiba, Bounouala: Concave and Convex Nonlinearities in Nonstandard Eigenvalue Problems.- Charfi, Elleuch, Jeribi: On the Time Asymptotic Behavior of a Transport Operator with Bounce-Back Boundary Condition.- Celaya, Aguirrezabala: Construction of MATLAB Adaptive Step ODE Solvers.- Di Bella: Some Spectral Properties for Operators Acting on Rigged Hilbert Spaces.- Bellomonte: An Overview on Bounded Elements in Some Partial Algebraic Structures.
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