Programas de intervenção na Síndrome de Burnout: uma revisão integrativa de literatura

Objective: To identify and analyze the existing scientific productions about the intervention programs in Burnout Syndrome (SB). Methods: This was an integrative literature review, in which the search for articles was carried out in the months of August and September 2019, in the electronic databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Virtual Health Library (VHL) and National Library of Medicine (PubMed). Results: 22 articles selected to compose this review. 59.1% of the analyzed studies were published in the last 02 years; 43.5% carried out in North America and 68.2% carried out with health professionals. In virtually all of the studies analyzed, prevention / coping strategies for BS focused on the worker were used, 81% of them demonstrated some benefit in preventing / treating BS. Final considerations: It was identified that studies on BS have grown over the years, especially in the international scientific community and, despite being a topic still little explored in Brazil, it is worth mentioning that there was an equivalence regarding the instruments used for detection and prevention SB in the studies that comprised the present research. The need for further studies is emphasized, as there is still a lack of such research both nationally and internationally.
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