Investigación de la efectividad de agentes de embolización en experimentación con perros

Objective: To define in 28 crossbreeding dogs, what low cost material or materials are better to embolize the hepatic/ renal region at the same time and compare whether is better to use an embolic agent or two, in medium and small caliber vessels of a renal and hepatic segment, to prove their efficacy and effectiveness and subsequently use them in humans. This is because of the expensiveness of embolic agents that commercial houses have at their disposition. Material and method: All procedures were made according to the Comite de etica del Hospital General de Mexico (Mexico General Hospital Ethic Comite), the Secretaria de Salud (Secretary for Health) and of animal experimentation of the Ley de Proteccion Animal (Animal Protection Law) and Animal care International Regulations. Experimental Investigation Protocol, wherein the selection criterion, pre-embolization Computed Tomography (CT), angiography, embolization and control CT two weeks later and control angiography were taken and the embolized organs were examined by pathology. The animals that had embolization were divided in two groups: Group “A” with only one embolic agent and Group “B” with two embolic agents. A comparative analysis was made by Mann-Withney and Fisher exact test. Results: The Group “A”; with only one embolic agent showed a global survival of 47.3% (9/ 19), while Group “B”; of two agents was of 89% (8/9), difference that was statistically significant (p 0.049) Conclusions: The global survival for both groups was of 60.7% and mortality was of 39.3%. A longer survival is remarkable using dextran (Group “A”), and tapioca+ethanol, gelfoam+pharmaflebon and tapioca+ pharmaflebon (Group “B”).
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