Characterization and evaluation of land resources for management of Saraswati watershed in Buldhana district of Maharashtra

Geocoded false colour composite (FCC) of IRS-P6 LISS-III data was used in conjunction with SoI toposheet to map the existing land use/land cover, physiography and soils. Four physiographic units viz., plateau, pediment, broad and narrow valley were delineated. Two slopes (very gentle, 1–3% and gentle, 38%) were identified and 73% area was under very gentle slopes. The major land use/land cover identified were agriculture, scrubland, moderately dense and degraded forest. Seven soil series (Kinhi, Saraswati, Titwi, Lonar, Khurampur, Wadgaon and Dhad) were identified and mapped as series and association based on physiography-soil relationship. Soils of plateau are shallow to moderately shallow (Lithic Ustorthents/Typic Haplustepts/Vertic Haplustepts); soils of pediments are very shallow to shallow (Lithic Ustorthents/Vertic Haplustepts) and soils of broad and narrow valley are deep (Vertic Haplustepts/Typic Haplusterts). Soil and site characteristics were used to evaluate the soils for land capability, land irrigability, soil productivity and suitability for cotton, pigeonpea and sorghum. The soils were grouped into IIIs, IVs and VIs land capability sub-classes and 2s, 3st, 4s and 4st land irrigability sub-classes with poor to good soil productivity. Majority of soils are low to medium in available N and P and medium to high in available K with Zn deficiency in 42% of soils. Suitability for major crops grown in the area revealed that soils of Kinhi, Wadgaon and Dhad are moderately suitable (S2); soils of Lonar are marginally suitable (S3) and soils of Saraswati and Khurampur are not suitable (N) for growing cotton, pigeonpea and sorghum. Various agronomic interventions, soil and water conservation measures and alternate land use have been suggested in different mapping units for land resources management and agro-ecological sustainability.
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