Laktoperoksidaz/ Tiyosiyanat/ Hidrojen Peroksit Sisteminin Aktivasyonu ile Korunmuş Sütlerden Üretilen Beyaz Peynirlerin Bazı Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Araştırmalar

Calismada, LP sistemi aktivasyonu ile korunmus sutlerden uretilen Beyaz peynirlerin bazi kalite ozellikleri ve bunlarin 90 gunluk olgunlasma suresindeki degisimleri incelenmistir. Bu amacla, 20:20 ppm (A) ve 60:60 ppm (B) SCN:H.O, katilarak 30°C'de; SCN:H.O, katilmadan (K) 4°C'de 6 saat bekletilen sutlerden Beyaz peynirler uretilmistir. Sutlere katilan SCN°:H,0, seviyeleri on denemelerle belirlenmistir. Beyaz peynirlerde olgunlasma suresi boyunca 1., 30., 60. ve 90. gunlerde toplam kurumadde, yag, toplam kurumaddede yag, tuz, toplam kurumaddede tuz, toplam azot (TN), suda cozunen azot (SN) ve tiyosiyanat (SCN) icerikleri ile titrasyon asitligi, pH, olgunlasma indeksi ve pihti sikiligi degerleri belirlenmistir. Peynirlerin duyusal ozellikleri depolamanin 30., 60. ve 90. gunlerinde incelenmistir. Analiz sonuclarina gore, incelenen ozellikler bakimindan K ve A peynir ornekleri arasinda onemli bir farklilik belirlenememistir (p>0,05). Diger yandan istatistiksel acidan onemsiz bulunmasina karsin, B peynir orneginin ozellikle asitlik, TN, SN, olgunlasma indeksi ve pihti sikiligi degerleri diger orneklere gore daha dusuk bulunmustur. Sonucta, Beyaz peynir uretiminde 20:20 ppm SCN:H.O, katilarak korunmus sutlerin kullanilmasinin teknolojik islemler ve urun kalitesi acisindan uygun oldugu saptanmistir. Bununla birlikte, zorunlu oldugu durumlarda, uretilen peynirde kimyasal yonden bazi eksiklikler bulunmasina karsin, 60:60 ppm SCN :H,0, katkili sutlerin de Beyaz peynir uretiminde kullanimi onerilebilir.   Abstract   In this study, some quality criteria of White pickled cheeses produced from milks preserved by the activation of LP system were investigated during the ripening period of 90 days. For this purpose, milks that contained 20:20 ppm (A) and 60:60 ppm (B) SCN:H,0, were stored at 30°C. For the Control (K) study one part of milk without addition of SCN:H.O, was stored at 4°C for 6 hours. Afterwards, White cheeses were produced by using these milks. The amounts of SCN:H,0, that added to milks were determined by pre-experiments. Total dry matter, fat, fat in dry matter, salt, salt in dry matter, total nitrogen, soluble nitrogen and thiocyanate contents and titretable acidity (°SH), pH, ripenning index, curd firmness values of cheeses were examined during the 1., 30., 60. and 90. days of storage. Organoleptic properties of these cheeses were examined during the 30., 60., 90. days of storage. According to the results from analyses, for all parameters examined, differences between cheese samples K and A were not statistically significant (p>0,05). Although there was no statistically significant difference between cheese sample B and the others, in cheese sample B, titretable acidity, TN, WSN, ripening index and curd firmness values were lower than the others. As a result, it is found that, the use of milk preserved by the addition of 20:20 ppm SCN :H.O, is suitable for the production of White pickled cheese in view of technological processes and quality characteristics of the product, and it's concluded that, despite the lack of some chemical properties of cheese, milks added with 60:60 ppm SCN:H.O, can also be used for the production of this kind of cheese.
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