Ultrasound wave exchange between COVID-19 virus and host cells

A way to control or cure viral diseases like the Coronavirus is the use of exchanged waves between viral RNAs and cellular DNAs In this research, we propose a model to compare the structure of cells and Corona viruses with the structure of speakers/microphones and obtain the frequency and the shape of exchanged waves This is a theoretical and a mathematical model Real material of this model are both Coronaviruses and host cells METHODS: In this model, the cellular DNA and viral RNA are formed from charged particles and by their motions, some electromagnetic waves are emerged In fact, they act like the inductors within speakers/microphones and produce some magnetic fields These fields interact with charges around nuclear and viral membranes and produce some currents along them In these conditions, membranes act like the magnet within speakers/microphones and emit some new magnetic fields These fields interact with DNA and viral inductors, move them and produce some extra magnetic waves, These waves move charges along viral and nuclear membranes, vibrate them and produce some sound waves RESULTS : Shape of DNA ultrasound waves depend on their RNA/DNA sources A cellular DNA coils several times around the histone and supercoiled axes and produce linear, toroid and round inductors A viral RNA coils and creates round viral inductor These inductors are formed from hexagonal and pentagonal bases and emit hexagonal/pentagound linear/curved sound waves CONCLUSIONS: Frequency of DNA sound waves could be between 107-1020 (Hz) Also, frequency of viral sound waves could be between 107-1011 [KVirus/KCell] where KVirus, KCell are some constants depending on the genus of liquids within viral and cell membranes In some conditions, KVirus/KCell=1 and virus could be absorbed by cells
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