Critical Perturbations for Second Order Elliptic Operators. Part I: Square function bounds for layer potentials.

This is the first part of a series of two papers where we study perturbations of divergence form second order elliptic operators $-\mathop{\operatorname{div}} A \nabla$ by first and zero order terms, whose coefficients lie in critical spaces, via the method of layer potentials. In particular, we show that the $L^2$ well-posedness of the Dirichlet, Neumann and Regularity problems for complex Hermitian, block form, or constant-coefficient divergence form elliptic operators in the upper half-space are all stable under such perturbations. For instance, this allows us to claim the first results in the setting of an unbounded domain concerning the solvability of boundary value problems for the magnetic Schr\"odinger operator $-(\nabla-i{\bf a})^2+V$ when the magnetic potential ${\bf a}$ and the electric potential $V$ are accordingly small in the norm of a scale-invariant Lebesgue space. In the present paper, we establish $L^2$ control of the square function via a vector-valued $Tb$ theorem and abstract layer potentials, and use these square function bounds to obtain uniform slice bounds for solutions. The existence and uniqueness of solutions, as well as bounds for the non-tangential maximal operator, are considered in the upcoming paper.
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