Efectos del programa affective e-learning en el desarrollo de la Competencia Digital en estudiantes del Grado en Educación Primaria

INTRODUCTION. This article presents effects of interuniversity programme about digital competences specialization, based on affective e-learning methodology. The educational programme originated from I+D+i project denominated Evaluation and development of two generics competences of first year Primary Education students. The group of 109 students belong to Primary Education University degree of Faculties of Oviedo, Jaen and Granada.  METHOD. After completing the design of educational programme, it applies an ad-hoc questionnaire validated by external experts. The 49 items tool has a stability of 0,786 Cronbach Alpha. This questionnaire based on Common Framework of Teacher Digital Competence of National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teachers Training. RESULTS. It shows significant differences between pretest and postest on understanding and application of digital competences abilities, in terms of improving skill of configuration, use, autonomy, analysis, search and standards compliance.  DISCUSSION. Findings endorse the effectivity of apply an affective e-learning model that adapt to preliminary knowledge and different learning pace and style of student group.
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