Динамика вегетативного статуса на раннем этапе медицинской реабилитации детей с хроническим гастродуоденитом методом низкочастотной магнитосветотерапии

The results of a survey of school children with chronic gastroduodenitis when applying medical rehabilitation with method low-frequency light-magnetotherapy. During treatment of hospital was evaluated vegetative trophic status with methods of cardiointervalography and thermovision functional tests, was evaluated cytokine status, to determine the concentration of IL-1β and IL-10 and parameters of oxidative stress. In normalizes clinical parameters was evaluated cytokine status, to determine the concentration of IL-1β and IL-10 and parameters of oxidative stress in children. Reduction in the level of IL-1β, increase levels of IL-10, reduced indicators of lipid peroxidation and increased antioxidant activity, it confirms the effectiveness of the therapy. It is proved that the use of low-frequency light-magnetotherapy has a positive effect on the vegetative trophic provision an organism and normalizes the vegetative dysfunction.
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