Fluid-structure Interaction Using Adaptive Embedded Unstructured Grids

Fluid-structure interaction cases with severe topological change due to fragmentation or rupture in the structure have prompted the development of flow solvers using a so-called embedded mesh approach. A simple embedded domain method for node-based unstructured grid solvers is presented. Edges crossing embedded surface faces are either removed or duplicated. Several techniques to improve the treatment of boundary points close to the immersed surfaces are explored. Adaptive mesh refinement based on proximity to the curvature or corners of the embedded CSD surfaces is used to enhance the accuracy of the solution. User-defined or automatic deactivation for the regions inside immersed solid bodies is employed to avoid unnecessary work. Several examples are included that show the viability of this approach for coupled fluid-structure problems. Transactions on the Built Environment vol 71, © 2004 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509
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