A Perusal on Ion Regulation and Osmotic Pressure in the Mnemiopsis Leidyi Existing in Caspian Sea

The study of ion regulation and osmotic pressure in Caspian Sea aggressive Ctenophore species, plentifully species were amassed by bangnet and motorboat on Noor Coast and Gorgan Gulf. After separation water and ctenophore samples were transferred to choromotography and osmometery laboratories for Ion and Osmotic analysis until were defined that Mnemiopsis leidyi is Osmoconformer or Osmoregultor. The present study of ion regulation and osmotic pressure in Mnemiopsis leidyi in Southern Caspian Sea showed that this species lives in salinities of 12.5-16 ppt, body fluid osmolalities were 237-312 mOsm/lit over the habitat range of 278-354 mOsm/lit. Determinations of Na + , K + , Mg ++ , Ca ++ , So4 ¯ ¯ and Clions concentrations in the body fluid of Mnemiopsis leidyi were carried out. Comparative studies between body fluid and sea water revealed that the concectrations of Na + , Mg ++ , Ca ++ , So4 ¯ ¯ and Clions were high significant (P<0.05) in sea water, except the K + ion
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