Man känner ju att där är något som inte stämmer - En kvalitativ studie utifrån förskollärares perspektiv på orosanmälningar

The aim of this study was to get an understanding of preschool teacher’s approach when they suspect maltreatment of a child. We wanted to know which factors affects if the preschool teachers report their concern to the social services or not and what routines preschools have for these situations. To do this we held semi structured interviews with six preschool teachers operative in both public and private preschools. The analysis was based on the theory of professions by Thomas Brante with focus on the terms of habitus, distance and the knowledge monopoly. Our study shows that many of the preschool teachers would prefer more information on the subject both from their work but also from their education. The clarity on what the actual routines were in each preschool differed which lead to the preschool teachers found their own course of action. Most of the preschool teachers explained that the decision to report to social services or not is a decision they make together with their work group and preschool manager, while others did it by themselves or together with the preschool manager. All of the preschool teachers decided if they were to send a report or not depending on what they considered being the best for the child.
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