Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden et Cambage growth and wood density in integrated crop-livestock systems

Integrating trees in agricultural landscapes is a promising option to sustainably provide goods for society while increasing biodiversity, securing animal welfare, and generating profits for stakeholders. The choice of the species and knowing how timber quality is affected when trees are integrated to crop and/or livestock enterprises can provide additional insights into the usefulness of timber after harvest, and wood density is one of the most important properties in this regard. The present study aimed to evaluate how Eucalyptus benthamii growth and wood density are affected in integrated crop-livestock systems when compared to monoculture forestry 74 months after planting in subtropical environments. The integrated systems were in an alley cropping design where crop and/or grazed pasture were temporally rotated in between tree lines (14 × 2 m trees spacing), and those systems were compared to monoculture forestry (3 × 2 m spacing). Tree trunks (n = 60) were sampled in five diameter classes of each treatment by cutting disks in six positions of the trunk (0.1 m, 1.30 m, 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% of the total height) (n = 360). Trees growing in integrated systems increased trunk diameter at breast height by 24.7%, increased wood fiber production per tree by 17.9%, and produced wood 9.0% less dense than in the monoculture forestry system. Monoculture forestry increased tree height, and there was no difference of trunk volume among the production systems. The results suggest that integrated systems can produce timber with lower wood density, but faster individual tree growth than in forestry monocultures. Such a system can promote sustainable intensification of agricultural production, and enhance provision of complementary ecosystem services.
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