On the Contradictions Between the Party and Govemment of Nanjing Government in Constitutional Politics and Jiang Jieshi's Escape from Mainland

The application of constitutional politics expanded media for the sorts of force in KMT taking part in politics and gave legal channels for them entering in the center of rights,therefore,there were tides of participating in politics in KMT. So much force took part in the decisive system,which made the contests for the limited political resources more acute and made KMT disintegrate and fall into the semi-paralytic situation. Because KMT took no effective control of the members in the government ,the party and government came apart ,and yet the struggles in KMT restricted seriously the government's decisions making and applying.The contradictions between the party and the government restricted the government's functions effectively developing and weakened KMT's rule .Faced with the powerful offensives of the People' liberation battles ,Jiang Jieshi fled to Tanwan.
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