Evaluation of high spatio-temporal resolution precipitation products over Dareh-Roud Ardebil basin

Inappropriate distribution of precipitation measurement stations has increased the use of gridded precipitation datasets consisting of satellite, reanalysis and ground- based datasets .Accurate measurement and estimation of precipitation amounts and events is very important. With the increasing development of satellite technologies in recent decades, access to high spatio- temporal resolution of precipitation data has been provided in many parts of the world. Given that these precipitation datasets cannot be used without initial assessment due to uncertainties in estimating cloud and precipitation thickness. The purpose of this study was to evaluate CMORPH, PERSIANN and PERSIANN-CDR precipitation datasets based on statistical indices such as contingency table indices at Dare-roud basin which is located in Ardabil province. Results show that CMORPH product performs better in estimating basin precipitation in most of the stations with RMSE index less than 3 mm and CC index higher than 0.7. Also in terms of the contingency table indices, the CMORPH performs better in most of the indices (except Bias) than other products, so it is recommended to correct its bias and use this precipitation product in future studies in Darehroud basin.
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