Laser propagation in Rindler accelerated reference frame based on matrix optics

The Rindler spacetime describing a series of accelerating observers is Ricci flat, but it still has novel optical effects. In the case of WKB approximation, we derive the light geodesics in the Rindler frame based on the covariant wave equation and geodesic equations. Then, we use ABCD matrix optics method to explore the propagation characteristics of Rindler frame, thus link three different optical transformation scenes (geometry, gravity and vacuum refractive index) together. Moreover, the propagation characteristics of hollow beam in Rindler spacetime are described analytically. Those characteristics are quite different from the ones in the flat spacetime. Based on these calculations, we simply demonstrate the position uncertain relationship between the transverse beam size and the momentum, which surprisingly coincides with the derivation of quantization. We hope that we can provide one simple method to analyze the beam propagation in the accelerated frame.
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