Sliding-Window QPS (SW-QPS): A Perfect Parallel Iterative Switching Algorithm for Input-Queued Switches

In this work, we first propose a parallel batch switching algorithm called Small-Batch Queue-Proportional Sampling (SB-QPS). Compared to other batch switching algorithms, SB-QPS significantly reduces the batch size without sacrificing the throughput performance and hence has much lower delay when traffic load is light to moderate. It also achieves the lowest possible time complexity of $O(1)$ per matching computation per port, via parallelization. We then propose another algorithm called Sliding-Window QPS (SW-QPS). SW-QPS retains and enhances all benefits of SB-QPS, and reduces the batching delay to zero via a novel switching framework called sliding-window switching. In addition, SW-QPS computes matchings of much higher qualities, as measured by the resulting throughput and delay performances, than QPS-1, the state-of-the-art regular switching algorithm that builds upon the same underlying bipartite matching algorithm.
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