Binds and bounds of communion: effects of interpersonal values on assumed similarity of self and others.

Assumed similarity refers to ascribing similar attributes to the self and others. Because self–other similarity facilitates communion, people who value communion should be prone to assume self–other similarity; but because self–other similarity also evokes obligation, they may be prone to assume similarity only with others with whom they are or would feel comfortable being interconnected. We tested these hypotheses in 5 studies (total N 1,709). In Study 1, students indicated their political preferences and estimated other students’ preferences. In Studies 2–5, students described their personality and the personalities of the following targets: actual or imagined romantic partners in Study 2; ingroup members (students from the respondents’ university) and outgroup members (students from a foreign university) in Studies 3–4; and specific liked and disliked others in Study 5. As hypothesized, people with stronger communal values were more likely to assume self–other similarity with liked others, romantic partners, and ingroup members, but not with disliked others and outgroup members. These effects replicated across different cultures (India, Korea, and the United States) and remained significant when controlling for self-esteem, national identification, and attribute desirability. Although people who valued communion tended to depict themselves and liked and ingroup others in relatively normative (typical) ways, which partially explained assumptions of similarity and indicated that those assumptions were to some extent accurate, communal values continued to predict distinctive self–other similarity or “false consensus” even after controlling for the normative prevalence of attributes.
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