Teaching Parallel and Distributed Computing in the Time of COVID

With both CS2013 and the most recent ABET computing criteria requiring coverage of parallel and distributed computing (PDC), many CS faculty are looking for ways to incorporate PDC concepts into their curricula. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and the switch to remote teaching introduces new difficulties to teaching a subject that many already find challenging. This BOF provides a forum for computing educators to discuss strategies they have used to teach PDC remotely. The organizers will share techniques that they have found effective (including the different tradeoffs those techniques involve) and foster a discussion in which others can share novel ways of teaching PDC remotely. The end-goals are: (i) to provide a venue in which those who have taught PDC remotely can share their experiences, in the hopes of identifying best practices; and (ii) to enable participants who are new to PDC to learn from the experiences of faculty who have already taught such courses in this new environment. No laptop required; any materials resulting from this session will be distributed via CSinParallel.org.
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