Prolonged inundation and ecological changes in an Avicennia mangrove: implications for conservation and management

The mangrove around Sungei Pemburongunan, just west of Tanjong Batu and Istana Darul Aman in the Brunei-Muara District, is unique in that it contains the only pure stand of Avicennia marina in Brunei Darussalam. In mid-October, 1990 the mouth of Sungei Pemburongunan was closed due to a natural build-up of a sandbar across it. The mangrove quickly became flooded and adverse effects on the flora and fauna were observed during the following weeks. In mid-December a channel was dug across the sand bar to reduce the flooding and normalise the ecology. Some of the dying Avicennia and Lumnitzera have since recovered but others such as Acrostichum and Casuarina have not. Avicennia showed some interesting responses to prolonged inundation. Many of the Avicennia that had flowered during the flood produced seedlings which are now well rooted and 40–80 cm in height. The survival of large numbers of these seedlings is attributed to the floor-related decrease in the number of grapsid and sesarmid crabs which predate on them. The crab and mollusc populations have largely recovered. Unlike periodic short-term flooding which does not seem to have any apparent adverse affect on the ecosystem, prolonged inundation can result in the loss of the Avicennia and its associated flora and fauna. Thus, fragile mangrove ecosystems such as this need to be monitored and managed closely.
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