Complete sequence of the tumor-inducing plasmid pTiChry5 from the hypervirulent Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain Chry5

Abstract Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain Chry5 is hypervirulent on many plants including soybean that are poorly transformed by other A. tumefaciens strains. Therefore, it is considered as a preferred vector for genetic transformation of plants. Here we report the complete nucleotide sequence of its chrysopine-type Ti-plasmid pTiChry5. It is comprised of 197,268 bp with an overall GC content of 54.5%. Two T-DNA regions are present and 219 putative protein-coding sequences could be identified in pTiChry5. Roughly one half of the plasmid is highly similar to the agropine-type Ti plasmid pTiBo542, including the virulence genes with an identical virG gene, which is responsible for the supervirulence caused by pTiBo542. The remaining part of pTiChry5 is less related to that of pTiBo542 and embraces the trb operon of conjugation genes, genes involved in the catabolism of Amadori opines and the gene for chrysopine synthase, which replaces the gene for agropine synthase in pTiBo542. With the exception of an insertion of IS869, these Ti plasmids differ completely in the set of transposable elements present, reflecting a different evolutionary history from a common ancestor.
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