Isometric potential of spinal deep muscles in Faculty of sport and physical education students diagnosed with kifotic and lordotic bad body posture

Postural deformities as the current problem of the contemporary society are permanently researched and investigated with the unique aim to find out the most adequate way of systematic preventive actions that would prevent asymmetric development of trunk muscles that directly exerts negative influence on the correct body posture thus rendering formation of postural and body deformities. The subject of this paper was not focused to the study of locomotor apparatus of the lower grades of school population as the evident risk category but actually the target group was selected as a homogenous group and a representative sample was composed of the former active sportsmen and now full time students of the fourth year of studies in the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Nis. We have tried to define the correlation of isometric potential of the deep spinal muscles with the changes in statics and dynamics of the spinal column as seen in sagital area (kifotic and lordotic bad body posture). Having in mind that it is a well known fact that muscle groups on the convex side of the spinal column are week and stretched and assuming that these muscles are in surface layers we wanted to find out the status of deep muscles of spinal column and their correlations with the deviations of the spinal column in sagital area. .
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