Disruption of the Leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in Citrus: Effect of Blend and Placement Height, Longevity of Disruption and Emission Profile of a New Dispenser

Recent efforts to disrupt mating of the leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a global pest of citrus, have focused on the use of SPLAT™ (ISCA Technologies), a flowable wax emulsion intended to serve as a slow-release matrix for pheromones. Early success with this approach was overshadowed by the expense and difficulty of application, and variation in wax component chemistry that contributed to reduced longevity of pheromone emission in the field. Solid elastomer dispensers (DCEPT CLM™, ISCA Technologies, Inc.) loaded with a 3:1 blend of ( Z,Z,E)7,11,13-hexadecatrienal and (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienal, the major components of the P. citrella sex pheromone, provided disruption of trap catch in commercial citrus orchards for periods exceeding 30 wk. The triene component alone worked as well as or better than the 3:1 blend. The height of dispensers placed by hand in the tree canopy had a significant effect on trap shutdown. Dispensers placed low (0.6 m) in the canopy resulted in a reduction of trap shutdown in the upper third (>3 m) of the canopy suggesting that the net movement of pheromone molecules was downward during the period of active moth flight. Although moth flight appeared equivalent among the heights tested, placement of dispensers higher in the canopy appears more effective given this downward movement of pheromone plumes. These studies suggest that season-long trap catch disruption can be attained in citrus with a single application of a hand-applied dispenser.
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