The comparison of the occurrence of the beneficial insects from Carabidae and Syrphidae families on a mix of flowering plants at two localities of PolandPorównanie występowania owadów pożytecznych z rodzin Carabidae i Syrphidae na mieszance kwitnących roślin w dwóch miejscowościach Polski

Summary The aim of the study was a comparison of species composition and abundance of two insect families, i.e. ground beetles, Carabidae and hoverflies, Syrphidae, occurring on a mix of flowering plants at the two localities in western part of Poland. The studies were conducted in Jaroslawiec (Wielkopolska province) and Pągow (Opole province), on the experimental fields belonging to BASF Polska Sp. z o.o., in 2012–2013. Pitfall traps were used for collecting Carabidae while entomological nets as well as yellow traps were used for collecting Syrphidae ecological analyses of ground beetles and hoverflies assemblages showed significant differences between the two compared localities, in particular qualitative evaluation.
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