Characterization of iodine particles with Volatilization-Humidification Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (VH-TDMA), Raman and SEM techniques

Particles formed upon photo-oxidation of CH2I2 and particles of I2O5 and HIO3 have been studied using a Volatilisation and Humidification Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (VH-TDMA) system. Volatilization and hygroscopic behaviour have been investigated as function of temperature (from 25 to 400 degrees Celsius), humidity (RH from 80 to 98%), initial aerosol sizes (from 27 to 100 nm mobility diameter) and in nitrogen or air as the sheath gasses. The volatility behaviour of particles formed upon photo-oxidation of CH2I2 is more similar to that of HIO3 particles in a filtered sheath air than in nitrogen, with the particle shrinkage occurring at 190 degrees Celsius and accompanied by hygroscopic growth. Despite its high solubility, HIO3 was found not to be hygroscopic at room temperature with no significant growth displayed until the thermodenuder temperature reached 200 degrees Celsius or above when the particles have transformed into I2O5. Diiodopentaoxide (I2O5) particles exhibit relatively low hygroscopic growth factors of 1.2-2 in the humidity range investigated. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of particles formed upon photo-oxidation of CH2I2 shows that their primary elemental components were iodine and oxygen in a stoichiometric ratio of approximately 1:2 with 10% error. Both Raman spectra and SEM show poor crystallinity for all the aerosols produced.
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