Dibukanya jalan tol Cipularang memberi peluang bagi para pebisnis membuka layanan travel (shuttle service) “point to point” yang tersebar dibeberapa titik di Bandung. Fenomena lain di lapangan terjadi kesenjangan/gap antara kinerja pelayanan travel (shuttle service) dengan kepuasan penumpang yang mendorong penulis untuk melakukan penelitian terhadap tingkat kepuasan penumpang atas layanan jasa travel. Karena keterbatasan dana, tenaga, dan waktu, maka lingkup studi Tugas Akhir ini dibatasi pada rute Bandung-Jakarta Selatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengukur dan membandingkan kinerja pelayanan travel (shuttle service)rute Bandung-Jakarta Selatan terhadap kepuasan penumpang. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Data yang digunakan diperoleh dari hasil survei kuesioner/angket dan wawancara. Teknik sampling yang dilakukan adalah Probability Sampling menggunakan metode Simple Random sampling dengan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 390 responden pengguna jasa travel (shuttle service) rute Bandung-Jakarta Selatan. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh nilai tingkat kesesuaian penumpang yang paling rendah terjadi pada atribut nomor 1 tentang besarnya biaya/tarif perjalanan yaitu pada travel X-Trans (73,43%), Day Trans (76,20%), kemudian Cipaganti (78,38%). Faktor yang menjadi prioritas utama untuk ditingkatkan bagi kepentingan dan kepuasan penumpang ketiga perusahaan travel adalah atribut nomor 2 tentang kesesuaian biaya dengan pelayanan yang diterima dan nomor 16 tentang jaminan asuransi keselamatan. Kemudian hasil perhitungan biaya operasional kendaraan diperoleh besarnya biaya langsung per penumpang per seat-km sebesar Rp. 273,56 dan biaya tidak langsung per penumpang per seat-km sebesar Rp. 28,35. Sehingga total biaya per penumpang yakni biaya langsung ditambah biaya tidak langsung hasilnya sebesar Rp. 301,91/seat-km. Dengan tarif resmi yang berlaku saat ini sebesar Rp. 555,56/seat-km, maka selisih antara biaya pokok dengan tarif resmi yang berlaku saat ini kurang lebih 45,6%. Hal ini menunjukkan nilai tarif resmi saat ini terlalu mahal. Berdasarkan grafik kemampuan membayar penumpang dan kemauan membayar penumpang, diperoleh nilai tarif alternatif berdasarkan pada kondisi kemampuan membayar penumpang dan kemauan membayar penumpang yang sama yakni sebesar Rp. 405,71/seat-km. Kata kunci : kepuasan penumpang, kinerja, travel. The opening of the toll road Cipularang provide opportunities for business people open a travel service (shuttle service) "point to point" are scattered in several points in Bandung. Another phenomenon occurs on the field gap between the performance of the travel services to the satisfaction of passengers that encourages writers to do research on the level of passenger satisfaction for services of travel. Due to limited funds, manpower, and time, the scope of this final study is limited to the South Jakarta-Bandung route. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the performance of the travel (shuttle service) Bandung-South Jakarta route to the satisfaction of passengers. In this study using quantitative methods with descriptive analysis techniques. The data used were obtained from the results of a questionnaire survey / questionnaire and interview. The sampling technique is Probability Sampling is done using simple random sampling method with a sample of 390 respondents taken as users travel (shuttle service) Bandung-South Jakarta route. Data analysis using the method of Importance Performance Analysis. Based on the analysis, the value of the level of conformity of the lowest passenger happens to attribute number 1 on the costs / travel rates is to travel the X-Trans (73.43%), Trans Day (76.20%), then Cipaganti (78, 38%). Factors which became a top priority for the benefit and satisfaction improved for the third passenger travel companies are attribute number 2 on appropriateness of care received by the costs and number 16 on the guarantee of safety insurance. Then the results of the calculation of vehicle operating costs directly obtained the cost each passenger of Rp. 273.56 / seat-km and indirect costs each passenger of Rp. 28.35/seat-km. So the total cost each passenger that direct costs plus indirect costs result of Rp. 301.91 / seat-km. With the current official rate of Rp. 555.56 / seat-km, the difference between the cost of the current official rate is approximately 45.6%. This shows the value of the official rate is currently too expensive. Based on the graph Ability To Pay and Willingness To Pay, the value of alternative rates based on condition Ability To Pay and Willingness To Pay same amounting to Rp. 405.71 / seat-km. Keywords : passenger satisfaction, performance, travel.
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