Выбор метода лечения геморроя и хронического парапроктита у больных с предрасположенностью к патологическому рубцеобразованию

838 patients with hemorrhoids and 205 with chronic paraproctitis were examined to identify the predisposition for pathological scar formation and to carry out timely differential treatment. For determination of predisposition to pathological scar formation the following risk factors were studied: diseases of the GIT, allergies, autoimmune diseases, intra-abdominal adhesions; fast type of acetylation and results of blood serum investigations were used in the magnoimmunesorbtion test-system. All patients with ascertained risk of pathological scarring were provided a complex treatment, which included preoperative preparation, operation and early postoperative prevention of pathological scars formation. Using of the differential method of treatment improved the results of treatment: the number of postoperative complications decreased from 13,8 to 3,8 %, anal sphincter failure decreased from 4,7 to 1,1 %, number of cases of chronic paraproctitis decreased from 1,26 to 0 %, cases of stenosis of the anal canal decreased from 4,8 to 1,1 %.
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