Creating Data-Driven Vector Visualizations of Satellite Orbit Tracks using NASA GIBS and Worldview

NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) currently operates dozens of remote sensing satellites, many of which can be viewed directly in NASA’s open-source Worldview application. Much of this satellite imagery can be viewed in near-real time as it is processed and served by NASA’s Global Imagery Browse Service (GIBS). To better educate users on the time and location of imagery, GIBS serves orbit track specific layers for each satellite. Worldview has historically served these layers as raster images but recent updates have enabled the application to now serve these layers using vector tiles. With the release of Worldview v3.0, orbit track layers can be displayed using mapbox vector tiles (MVT). This visualization format allows users to not only view and change the color of orbit track layers, as they could do previously with rasters, but also inspect individual vector points and filter layers by specific parameters such as time. The data contained within a MVT is further enhanced in Worldview with the combination of a JSON description file served from GIBS used to describe the MVT data. This presentation will provide an overview of the process of consuming orbit track vector tiles and data files from GIBS using a pipeline to configure, build and ultimately display the orbit tracks in Worldview. Furthermore, the presentation aims to describe how others can leverage our open-source code to display and enhance vector layers in their own applications.
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