WHO strategy for the global elimination of new cases of hepatitis B

Abstract Hepatitis B infection and its sequelae remain major public health problems internationally despite the existence of sensitive tests to screen blood and blood products for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and immunogenic vaccines. Sinces the human hepatitis B virus has no known animal reservoir, a systematic vaccination programme against hepatitis B, including vaccination of all newborns and young children within the framework of the WHO Expanded Programmed on Immunization, as well as protection of high-risk individuals together with the testing of all blood and blood products for HBsAg, could eliminate hepatitis B virus infection and its sequelae. However, for the succesful realization of this programme, many important and difficult problems need to be solved, especially those related to vaccination strategy, determination of the duration of immunity, investigation of the mechanisms of perinatal and horizontal virus transmission, and improvement of the immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccine. The problem of the hepatitis B carrier is also paramount as the eradication of hepatitis B can be achieved only after the 300 million carriers of the disease in the world today are either cured or dead.
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