An outline of educational system in Muslim Bengal under the Turko-Afghan Sultanate (1204-1576)

The Muslim Bengal under the Turko-Afghan Sultanate (1204-1576) witnessed a rapid advancement in the educational field, which changed the traditional Buddhist and Hindu Brahmanic system. This study, using primary and secondary sources, analyzes the role played by various individuals and institutions in bringing about the change in the educational system. The study found that the Rulers patronized the spread of education as they considered it their religious obligation. Besides Sultans, the SufEs, „UlamE, Nobles, Chieftains - all contributed in this regard. Masjids, Madrasahs and Maktabs were used as educational centres. Different branches of Islamic Sciences such as TafsEr, ×adith, fiqh, logic together with natural sciences, mathematics, medicine, agriculture, astronomy, geography and Arabic & Persian languages and literature were taught in these institutions. To maintain these educational institutions, the rulers provided state patronage, granted rent-free lands as endowment.
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